For returning Google Chrome users:
GemCraft Hacked
hacked GemGraft games and more
all including repeated visits
unique visitors. not counting the unique visitors before this counter is added
NOTICE : The flash games here is no longer working on any wixsite. Please consider to grab the flash games Using Video Download Helper.
Cursed Treasure 2 hacked
This hacker apologizes that the flash game will not load due to inability to apply new SWF files into this page.
. You can download the SWF file here
Hacked features:
>=90% reduced reduced XP table
uncapped player level
uncapped skills
players can build towers in any terrain. For example: crypt can be built on grass.
Hack directory:
metagame > Skill
metagame > PlayerBonuses
XP table
Progress > XPConverter
Skill points
Progress > §function§
Unhacked version available on
change log:
21 june 2010
bug fix: tower wont shoot at enemies after frenzy... The fix resulted in instant reload after frenzy and all crypts and caves and graves