Cursed treasure 2 update:
so cursed Treasure 2 has been updated:
- increased skill level cap for some skills
- reduced XP table
- increased player level cap'
but there are few bugs not caused by anti-tamper encountered in the skill section in you go beyond skill level 5. none of the are fatal or affecting the the battle. but rather the info will not appear properly.
also you can spend points even if there less than 1 skill points left in level 6 or higher. but you cannot learn new skills until you redeem enough points
more importantly, there is a problem loading the game looks like the picture below after a splash screen this hacker has not seen before. now fixed. however the old version still have this issue.
you can play the new version here:
Actually, what is in the bottom is when loading is Sacred Treasure hacked.
Next update: fixing the splash screen issues...