Demons vs fairyland hacked - first screenshot
sorry for taking so long as the code is heavily obfuscated. it took this hacker tens of manhours to deobfuscate this script yet, the script is not fully deobfuscated.
Hack directory for this game: after bypassing Mochicript using JPEXS FFDEC via Search SWFs via settings then javativex
skill level cap and skill power each level: Scripts.GameSttings > iniSkills()
EXP table and player level cap Scripts.SaveVars > tablewExpreince()
it took more than just removing the following in p-code section:
getlocal 4
ifture ofs14d2
iffalse ofs21af
iffalse ofs1234
ofs1234: iffalse ofs2423
it took this hacker 10 unjumps to make the first incr skill level cap
the hack is still a long way to go. the hacked game is bugged in achievement section, one of the achievement in french language because accidents may happen during manual deobfuscation. this bug is partially fixed otherwise will result in stack underflow. this hacker does not know french though.
Also it will be the last game to be hack by this hacker until May2020 for there is some game to have a feature retuned. TLS: Union city proposed update: player do hot have to spend all skill points and this hacker also have to deal with academic tasks.